Author: superadm
Order passed by National Green Tribunal for complete enforcement of directions as per Rajiv Dutta vs. Union of India, O.A. No. 679 of 2017 and National Forest Fire Guidelines formed thereunder.
Order dated 17th July 2018 by the National Green Tribunal regarding enforcement of Directions passed in Rajiv Dutta vs. Union of India, O.A. No. 679 of 2017.
Rajiv Dutta vs Union of India, Enforcement Order by NGT dated 17.07.2018
Mr.Rajiv Dutta, Sr.Advocate was requested by GD Goenka International University as final judge for the G D Goenka International Commercial Arbitration Competition 2017 at their University on Sunday, 26th November, 2017.
G D Goenka International Commercial Arbitration Competition 2017 ended at GD Goenka University
After rigorous negotiations in the quarterfinals of the competitive GD Goenka International Commercial Arbitration Competition 2017, four best teams out of eight were selected to proceed to the semi-finals. The eminent debating and the level of the negotiations by the participating teams took the judges by surprise. However, at the end of such an impactful session, the esteemed judges chose the two most deserving teams as the finalists.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.K Sharma (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India) was the Chief Guest of the Valedictory session where the results were announced and the awarding ceremony was completed.
Government Law College, Mumbai are the winners of this Competition, Symbiosis Law School Pune are the runners-up. The Best Speaker Male has been awarded to Habib Naved (RGNLU) & the Best Speaker Female has been awarded to K Salma Jennath (NUALS, Kochi). The award for Best Memorial has been given to Rajiv Gandhi National Law University. Campus Law Centre, Delhi University has been awarded the Runners Up, Best Memorial. After the award ceremony was completed, the cash prize was awarded.
As correctly put forth by Mr. Lalit Bhasin [Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India & President, Society of Indian Law Firms; also President of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), India] in his presidential address that each participant is a winner as they were the chosen one to represent their universities in this competition. It was a tough competition but nonetheless, the learning experience has been very enriching and it is something that each participant will take back with them.Mr. Rajiv Dutta, Senior Advocate along with Mr. Lalit Bhasin, Advocate and Mr.Yakesh Anand, Advocate judged the final rounds of the Moot and declared Government Law College, Mumbai as the winners.